Exploring the Booming Demand for HVAC Technicians

The HVAC industry is experiencing a surge in demand, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicting a 4% growth in jobs by 2029. If you're looking to become an HVAC technician, now is the ideal time to start. The U. S. News & World Report (202) recently named Utah as the country with the strongest economy, based on employment, business environment and population growth.

Colorado, Idaho, Washington and Massachusetts rounded out their top five list. Kiplinger's economic outlook for all 50 states provides an alphabetical list of economic strengths and weaknesses for those considering other states. Fulton-Montgomery Community College offers an HVAC program taught at night, allowing students to work during the day while learning the skills they need at night. Over two semesters, students will learn the basics of the refrigeration cycle through training on laboratory equipment. Electrical diagrams and wiring are taught so that students can read and diagnose problems with the equipment.

Classes on the fundamentals of heating and air conditioning are based on the foundations built in the classroom and in the practical laboratory. Students can also take advantage of the opportunity to take the exam to obtain EPA refrigerant management certification, which is required to purchase, install or repair HVACR systems. After two semesters, students can obtain a certificate showing that they have taken these courses and have a solid working knowledge of the team, giving them an advantage when looking for employment in the sector. Contractors and companies are looking for trained staff to fill their vacancies. Your journey to a lucrative career that's as affordable as any other can begin with some evening courses at FMCC. More information can be found by calling 518-736-3622 or by visiting FMCC online at fmcc.edu.

The HVAC industry is changing rapidly in response to the growing demand for environmentally friendly and energy efficient solutions, opening up new career prospects for HVAC technicians who can keep up with the latest developments.

Dora Ethen
Dora Ethen

Proud food aficionado. Beer buff. Subtly charming music nerd. Hipster-friendly beer fanatic. Proud tv maven. Award-winning web fan.